Day 2
428 miles
What a great day we had today! Thank you and praises to God for giving us beautiful weather and keeping us safe. It was sunny and 54 degrees when we left Broken Bow at 8am. We were headed south, enjoying the blue sky and brisk, cool breeze. Our first stop was Omaha, TX followed by second stop at Longview for lunch.
This is a picture of us at the state line except for Joyce and
Tanya who were taking the picture. We went to the Harley store
Tanya who were taking the picture. We went to the Harley store
in Longview (pic below). It was ok.
After lunch it really warmed-up, we took off the leather and rode in T-shirts, and we remembered the sunscreen. My nose is still a little crispy, though. By 2 oclock we turned and started heading west. It seems that everything in Texas is bigger--the trees are taller, the roads wider, the curves longer. I would say that you experience Texas better on a motorcycle. Growing season here is ahead of back home, we say and smelled lots of fresh mown hay fields. We honestly enjoyed every mile today, everything was great! However, our little map misled us and we went out of our way to the tune of maybe 50 miles. I got the privalege of leading us into Wace to the hotel as I had the only working GPS.
The day ended with a much needed shower and a fabulous mexican dinner. Joe and Jill were here waiting for us, and another guy from Carthage, so we will have 11 bikes and 14 people when we head out in the morning for day 3. First I need some rest, some of my riding muscles are pretty tired.
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